Invite Business by Advertising

Most businesses that are not successful haven't put enough emphasis on advertising. Top-of-mind awareness is crucial for any business especially because consumers have more choices than ever before, and that includes buying online. So, you need to shout louder than ever before. Paul Revere shouted at the top of his lungs that the British were coming. The only way for Paul Revere to make citizens aware that they were in peril was to advertise it. The same holds true for your business. Are you "shouting" loud enough? Are you telling the public why you're different and better than your competition? Are you inviting them to find out more? Radio reaches more Americans on a weekly basis than any other medium, period. And no one in the Mother Lode has more listeners than the three stations of Clarke Broadcasting.

Jennifer Teem
About Jennifer Teem

I am originally from the state of Florida where I attended Florida State University. Despite moving here more than 20 years ago, I still am a die-hard Seminole fan. I have two children and enjoy all the outdoor activities living in the Mother Lode offers. I have been in sales for 25 years, with the last nine at Clarke Broadcasting. Working with local businesses and helping them become more profitable is my favorite part of the job.

"Business goes where business is invited"

- Jennifer Teem

Word of mouth, when it's positive, is powerful. A personal experience with a business that is so good that a customer gives a referral is a tremendous building block. But what if they find fault with something? Can your business overcome a bad review? It could take weeks or months, or years. And even if a positive experience is highlighted, it may be something you don't place a lot of emphasis on. Word of mouth advertising is certainly beneficial in that it's cheap. But as we have heard, you get what you pay for. Word of mouth is painfully slow, and most businesses we know don't have the luxury of time. In addition, word of mouth doesn't allow you to control the message. Radio advertising does what word of mouth doesn't. It reaches your customers quickly with the right message and it does so in a cost-effective manner.

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